Frequently Asked Questions


+ What is neuropsychology?

Neuropsychology focuses on the relationships between the brain and behavior. Neuropsychologists conduct evaluations to characterize behavioral and cognitive changes resulting from central nervous system disease or injury, like traumatic brain injury or substance use disorder. Some neuropsychologists also focus on remediation of or adaptation to these behavioral and mental changes and other symptoms.

+ What is a neuropsychological evaluation?

Neuropsychological evaluation is an assessment of how one’s brain functions, which indirectly yields information about the structural and functional integrity of your brain. The neuropsychological evaluation involves an interview and testing. Tests typically involve responding to writing prompts. Some tasks in a test might be completed by the patient with assistance from a technician, but the majority require administration by a neuropsychologist or trained, skilled psychometrist.

Neuropsychological tests evaluate functioning in a number of areas including: intelligence, executive functions (such as planning, abstraction, conceptualization), attention, memory, language, perception, sensorimotor functions, motivation, mood state and emotion, quality of life, and personality styles. The areas addressed in an individual’s evaluation are determined by the referral question (what the referring doctor and patient wants to know), the patient’s complaints and symptoms, and observations made during interview and test administration.

+ How long does a neuropsychological evaluation take?

A complete evaluation generally takes between four and six hours to complete, but can take up to eight hours, depending on the complexity of the issues to be addressed by the evaluation and the patient’s condition. For example: fatigue, confusion, and motor function slowing can extend the time required for an evaluation. Occasionally, it is necessary to complete the evaluation over two or more sessions. For the best results, the goal is to gather the patient’s best possible performance under the best possible conditions.

Neuropsychological evaluation documents patterns of strengths and weakness among cognitive and behavioral functions. For patients with traumatic brain injury, substance use disorder or another condition, an evaluation and interpretation of this pattern of strengths and weaknesses can:

  • Help determine whether possible mental and behavioral changes are related to medical conditions, depression, or another brain disease or treatment
  • Provide feedback, which will allow the patient's clinical team to create an individual care plan for him or her
  • Establish a comparative baseline for subsequent. This enables your doctors to decide whether your functioning has declined because of the disease process or document whether your functioning has worsened or improved as a result of treatment (e.g., medications)
  • Reveal areas of daily functioning (e.g., financial management) with which the patient may need rehabilitative assistance. For example, evaluation can help determine the best possible form of treatment among options such as cognitive or behavioral treatments, occupational therapy, or pharmacotherapy

+ Is there any way to prepare for a neuropsychological evaluation?

There are several things patients can do to help make the evaluation constructive:

  1. The patient should bring a current list of ALL medications and doses. Because medicines may change frequently for some persons, it is important to make sure the list is up to date.
  2. If the patient has difficulty providing information about their history, it is helpful for a family member or friend to accompany them for at least part of the clinical interview.
  3. It is helpful if the patient can provide records of previous neurodiagnostic testing (e.g., brain scans such as CT or MRI scans) and/or results from previous neuropsychological evaluations if completed at another hospital or institution.
  4. It is important to get a good night’s rest before evaluation. Patients who live far away might consider spending the evening prior to the evaluation at a local hotel or with friends or family rather than getting up and driving or flying most of the night to get to the appointment.
  5. Patients should not worry about whether they will “pass” the tests. Evaluations are not “pass or fail.” They are instead an assessment; they describe how well a person performs relative to peers.

+ Does Dr. Masino accept insurance?

While Dr. Masino requires full payment for the assessment prior to the start of it, he will provide you with an in-depth invoice, which you may submit to your insurance company at the end of the process. It is advised to refer to insurance providers for information regarding coverage prior to setting an appointment.